Does Digital Marketing Work?

If Digital Marketing didn’t work, Amazon wouldn’t be the behemoth that it is today. While Amazon may have started off as an online bookstore offering convenience and low prices, it has continually leveraged customer data to shape its marketing plan in line with a strategy driven by what Jeff Bezos himself describes as an ‘obsessive focus on the customer’. With all the will in the world, traditional marketing – like PR, print advertising and billboard posters – could never provide anywhere near the picture or KPI-driven reporting transparency needed to tell businesses how their marketing was actually going. And it isn’t just about the big boys like Amazon. Digital marketing has completely levelled the playing field, allowing businesses of all shapes and sizes to reach and engage with customers from right across the globe. No matter what your budget is, there are ways to communicate with and attract customers with digital marketing activities like social media. So, to conclude, digital marketing absolutely works if you have a great strategy and the right components in place.

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